We are now OPEN for sales
Order bare rooted trees and rootstocks for delivery in winter 2025
Tree Information
Maple Grove Nursery grow and sell high quality trees for your home garden or business.
Our trees are sold bare rooted and can be posted within Australia (excluding Western Australia) while they are dormant. This is a very economical way to purchase ornamental and fruiting trees.
All our trees are sold as 2-year-old trees, unless otherwise indicated.
How do I care for my tree?
Planting: Keep your tree roots cool and damp – don’t let them dry out at all. You can store your tree in its plastic packaging for a short time, as long as it is kept out of direct sunlight and is kept cool. You may wish to temporarily ‘heel’ your tree into the ground until you are ready to plant, by burying the roots in damp, friable soil, moist aged sawdust, or potting mix.
When planting your tree in its final position in your garden, check if your soil is free draining. Do this by digging a hole about 70 cm deep and filling the hole with water. If any water remains in the hole after one hour, you soil has some drainage issues.
If your soil is free draining, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball, plant the tree so the top of the root ball is level with the soil line and back fill with a soil and compost mixture.
If the soil is not free draining, plant the tree in a raised mound of soil and compost mix, to prevent water logging.
Water in well at planting, and water regularly, especially in dry spells. Young trees will really benefit from being mulched. Apply mulch in a ring around the tree base, keeping clear of the trunk.
Fertilise your tree in Spring when new growth starts.
Prune: For packaging and postage, your tree will be cut to 1 meter in length (including the roots). Pruning your bare rooted tree will help to reduce the top growth and allow the roots to establish. It will also encourage branching at the height of the cut. If you want your tree to start branching a little lower, or would like to espalier your tree, we advise pruning to shape your tree.
Stake your tree: Dwarfing trees will require staking for the life of the tree, as they have limited anchorage and can be damaged in strong winds. We also recommend staking all trees in their first year, to allow the roots to establish.
Watering: It is imperative trees are watered regularly until they are established, especially in the first summer. Water your tree well when planting, and every week for the first spring and summer. If growing in a container, you may need to water everyday while the temperature is warm/hot.
Remove Suckers: Remove any growth that occurs below the graft site, as this is growth from the rootstock. If a rootstock sucker is allowed to grow, it can overtake the grafted/desired variety. Cut any suckers as close to the trunk of the tree as possible.
Shipping Trees
Trees are harvested during the Winter dormant months, and shipped bare rooted (without soil).
We only ship rootstock and trees while they are dormant, which is from late-May to the 1st of September, unless sold out earlier. We cannot post rootstock or trees outside of this timeframe as the trees are actively growing.
Australia Post limits the size of all parcels to 1 meter. ALL our trees sent in the post will have their tops cut so the total height is under 1 metre (including the root zone). This will not harm your tree and will encourage good growth.
No pruning will be done for trees collected from our nursery (local pick up), unless requested.
Shipping costs are calculated based on average the cubic volume
(measured as height x width x length) of a parcel, not the weight of the tree.
Trees will have their roots pruned to standard dimensions to reduce the shipping cost on our trees. Pruning the roots will not harm your tree, and even a very hard prune will still allow a bare rooted tree to grow very well. Pruning the roots will simply mean that staking your tree is more important, as it has less anchorage until the roots are established and that the tree will require adequate watering in the first season of growth.
The minimum shipping fee is $19.50, and includes packing and handling costs and Express Postage, to ensure the fastest possible delivery.
Tree roots are packed with damp sawdust and wrapped in recycled black plastic for postage.
We are unable to post ‘standard’ trees, which have been grafted above 1 meter in height due to postage restrictions.
Any tree can be grafted low and trained to a standard height, and we are happy to custom graft any weeping tree for this purpose. For custom grafts please email sales@maplegrovenursery.com.au
Order Cancellations
If you wish to cancel your order, please let us know promptly so that we can make stock available for other customers.
Order cancellations may incur an administration fee. Orders paid by credit card will have incurred a transaction fee and this fee is non-refundable.