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Fruit ripening time: June – July


Sturmer is an apple for extending the apple season. It is one of the last apples to remain on the tree in winter, along with Democrat.


Its best flavour is achieved when left on the tree until it has reached its peak, and then allowing the rich sugary flavour to develop further while it is in storage. When eaten straight from the tree the flavour is robust and sharp, with high acid, but after storage, the taste is mild and sweet.


A medium size fruit with yellow-orange russeted skin. The flesh is yellow, firm and crisp. A heavy cropper. An excellent pollinator for many apples.



Uses: Good fresh eating, great for juice and good in baking. Excellent keeping qualities. Excellent for cider, when picked early and the flavour is sharp.


Tree Size: 

Dwarf: Can be kept to 1.5 m and grown in containers


Semi-dwarf: 3 - 5 m tall, depending on shape 



Pollinators: Akané, Belle Cacheuse, Braeburn, Bonza, Cleopatra, Cornish Aromatic, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Cripps Pink, Democrat, Fuji, Freyberg, Gala, Geeveston Fanny, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Kingston Black, Lady in the Snow, Laxton’s Fortune, Prince Alfred, Red Delicious, Worcester Pearmain, Yarlington Mill, and white flowering Crabapples.


Flowering Group 3


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    Deciduous Rootstock and Tree Specialists

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    About Us

    We are a small, family-owned business, operating in the gorgeous Huon Valley, Tasmania. 

    We love what we do and we pride ourselves in offering quality rootstock and trees for your garden and business

    When you buy from us, you are buying direct from your local grower, ensuring you get the highest quality products and the best prices.


    41 Twin Rivers Lane,
    Grove TAS 7109

    We are an on-line business.
    Local pickup is by appointment only.

    We are a production nursery and farm and we grow what we sell, through every stage, from the rootstock to tree.

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