Fruit ripening time: May – June
A beautifully sweet, juicy, and crisp apple. Our favourite late season apple, with a honey-sweet flavour and low acidity.
Fruit are medium to large in size. The skin base colour is yellow, with a deep carmine red wash covering the apple. Some patchy russeting. The flesh is yellow, firm, and crisp, with a fine-grained texture.
A tree with medium vigour. Will bear heavy crops every year once it reaches fruit bearing age.
A very useful variety to extend the apple season as it ripens late and will store very well, up to 3 months when refrigerated, however it does bruise easily, despite a thick skin.
Uses: An excellent eating apple. Good for juice.
Pollinators: Akané, Braeburn, Browns Apple, Cleopatra, Cripps Pink, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Democrat, Esopus Spitzenburg, Five Crown Pippin, Fuji, Five Crown Pippin, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Kingston Black, Northern Spy, Pine Gold Pippin, Red Delicious, Tydeman's Early Worcester, Worcester Pearmain, Yarlington Mill and white flowering Crabapples.
Flowering Group 4
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