Fruit ripening time: March - April
A mildly sweet apple with a touch of acid that is refreshing. Jonathan has considerable flavour and a good aroma.
A medium sized apple, with a rosy red cheek on the sunny side, and yellow-green undertones.The flesh is a creamy yellow, with a fine texture, good crunch and lots of juice.
This beloved apple originated in America from a chance seedling, and has such qualities that it is a parent to many other fine apples, such as Akané, Bonza and Jonagold.
Uses: Excellent fresh eating. Also good in cooking as it will retain its shape for baking, and will cook down to make a fine sauce. The flavour partners well with other apples, and can even be added to soups. Also useful for juicing and drying. Has a fair storage life when refrigerated.
Tree Size:
Dwarf: Can be kept to 1.5 m and grown in containers. Must be staked.
Semi-dwarf: 3 - 5 m tall, depending on shape
Pollinators: Belle Cacheuse, Braeburn, Cleopatra, Cornish Aromatic, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Cripps Pink, Democrat, Fuji, Freyberg, Gala, Geeveston Fanny, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Kingston Black, Lady in the Snow, Laxton’s Fortune, Prince Alfred, Red Delicious, Sturmer, Worcester Pearmain and white flowering Crabapples.
Flowering Group 3 and and self-fertile, but fruit set is greatly improved with a pollination partner
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