Fruit ripening time: June
A very popular apple, with high sugar and high acid, the Cripps Pink tends more towards tart than sweet.
The fruit are large with a yellow skin that takes on a lovely pink-red blush on the sunny side. The flesh is pale yellow, firm, juicy and crisp.
Uses: Fresh eating, salads, baking and sauce. Will store very well when refrigerated.
Pollinators: Akané, Belle Cacheuse, Braeburn, Bonza, Cleopatra, Cornish Aromatic, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Democrat, Fuji, Freyberg, Gala, Geeveston Fanny, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Kingston Black, Lady in the Snow, Laxton’s Fortune, Prince Alfred, Red Delicious, Sturmer, Worcester Pearmain, Yarlington Mill, and white flowering Crabapples.
Flowering Group 3 and self-fertile, but pollination is greatly improved with a pollination partner.
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