Champion Quince Tree
Maturity: April
Champion fruit are squat, pear-shaped fruit with golden yellow skin and flesh.
This variety is popular in Australia and will produce reliably large crops. When cooked the tart flesh will turn pale pink and is ideal for quince paste, jellies and jams.
The tree has an ornamental quality, with slightly twisting branches and attractive fragrant, white blossom. This deciduous tree has an upright spreading habit.
Pollination: Self-fertile
Tree Size:
Dwarf Tree: 2 – 3 m high. Depending on pruning and the tree shape these quince trees can be kept as small as 2 m in height and planted as close as 50cm apart. Must be supported on a trellis or a stake
Semi-Dwarf: 3.5 - 4.5 m high, depending on shape
Tree Care:
Trees are usually grown as an open vase shape. Prune in Winter to reduce crowding, to improve light penetration and air flow. Remove any crossing-over or inward facing branches.
Ensure there is plenty of new young wood each year, as quince will flower and fruit on the tips of short shoots formed in Spring.
Soil: Will adapt well to most soils, but heavy, moist soils are preferred to light, shallow soils as Quince will not tolerate drought.
Will do best in well drained soils. Established trees can withstand wet conditions, but will not tolerate watterlogging.
Quince prefer neutral to slightly acidic soils and do not like high pH soils
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